
The Mule and Myself- by: Aida

At UW, I discovered my passion; I realized I wanted to be an advocate for international human rights. I was immediately drawn to a US-based NGO called “Invisible Children,” (IC) which calls attention to the very serious issue of child soldiers in northern Uganda. Along with some friends, I decided to start an RSO on campus to help raise awareness for IC’s cause.

Two years of volunteering with IC later, I graduated, and then managed to place for one of IC’s internships on the ground in Gulu, Uganda and spent 5 months working in their Public Relations office. Not only was I able to see for myself where all of the money my group helped fundraise went, I was able to get valuable NGO experience – literally, a dream come true for me. My experiences volunteering on campus also helped me get accepted into a Masters program for an MA in Human Rights at the University of Sussex in Brighton, England – a program I’d be hoping to get into since my freshman year at UW.

How does all this relate to The Good Mule? The Good Mule will make finding leadership roles and other volunteer experiences like my own, so much easier for students. And it’s these experiences TGM promotes that ultimately matter most– they help showcase your true passions.